Milky Way is just a little tiny spot placed within the entire Universe…
Our sun is just a little tiny spot placed within the Milky Way…
Earth is just a little tiny spot placed within our solar system…
Our city is just a little tiny spot placed within the World map…
Every single of us is just a little tiny spot placed within the whole population…
Every cell is just a little tiny spot placed within the body system…
And every atom is just a little tiny spot placed within of everything…
What’s that mean?
If we’re atoms then perhaps we’ll identify a cell as a galaxy…
If we’re cells or bacteria or parasites then perhaps we’ll identify a whole body system as our galaxy… And so forth.
There’s so many galaxy deep inside of the ocean…
There’s so many galaxy at our world…
We identify of anything derived from our scale, from our point of view.
Do you think atom, cell, bacteria and/or parasite can not think?
Do you think only humans who have intelligence capabilities?
In everything there are atoms. The air that we breathe consists of atoms; so our bloods, fleshes and bones. An atom is representing a smallest galaxy system, with its complexity schemes. That’s really more intelligence than us!
Maybe our cells can not build a highest building in town, as directly; but they’ve already built us! They’d also make any “necessary troubleshooting and maintenance” when there’s a problem occur within our bodies. What would happen if they’re just dumb? I couldn’t imagine of that. Our brains consist of cells too. And don’t forget, they who also create the antibody to strengthen the body from illness. That’s a proof of their intelligence response!
Who’s smarter, pilot or plane? Of course, a pilot is smarter than a plane that being operated by him. No matter how sophisticated a plane is, a plane need to be operated (by a pilot) to show its performance.
Our bodies are just like those planes. And who’s the pilot of our bodies?
It could be our DNA, cells, atoms, or… I don’t know… I’m just a plane. What do I know about these complicated things? Almost nothing!
But my “pilots” had tried to tell me that if we want to reveal the secret of the entire Universe, then we must look deep inside, not outside. We must try to unify with “our pilots”, especially with “the smartest ones”.
What exactly do I mean with “the smartest ones”?
As we know, inside our bodies there are more than billions of cells - there are more than billions separated minds. Natural selection in cells’ world is more ruthless than in our world, that’s already started from when we were just one of billions spermatozoa who struggled to survive above others. Did you still remember that?
There are “the smartest ones” who made a large disparity between human beings and animals. They’re not play as majority but their refinements will always be inherited and evolved. We could see a proof, in every civilization, that majority is “just being majority”. You know what I mean? That’s how our “smartest pilots” want to teach us! Reveal that we’re different from the mainstream.
Now, we’re evolved to becoming human beings because we realize that we’re different from animals. It’s about consciousness, something that animals don’t have yet. And consciousness will always be inherited and evolved, but not always in the same rhythm.
Focus on the smallest scale!
The larger scale is represented by the smaller scale.
If you find the answer within the smallest scale, then you’ll found the same exact answer within the largest scale. That’s a true secret!
It’s more affordable, more effective and a lot of more savings.
How to create water, oxygen, ozonosphere and life on a nearest planet; are more essential than just planning to do exodus to other solar system or galaxy. That’s just an example.
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